Ruffed GrouseOctober 2008

The past few weeks have been quite busy in terms of freelancing, but on occasion birds come to me rather than my wandering through the game land. And the other day, two ruffed grouse came strolling right outside my backyard.
Two ruffed grouse
  I suspect they might have been released from somewhere or another, since they arrived about the same time as the first general pheasant release (to keep hunters happy) and they didn't appear particularly game land savvy.
Ruffed grouse
  The ruffed grouse is a chicken-size bird, and it is supposed to have a broad black band at the end of its tail. The above grouse's band seems somewhat washed out. Maybe it ate too much junk food.

Photo note: I used a Pentax *ist D, with the SMC-A* 300mm lens.

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